EED – Instructional Resources: Teaching Supplies and Materials
Instructional Resources:
Teaching Supplies and Materials
Teaching Supplies and Materials—
Teaching supplies and materials include both expendable and nonexpendable items that are used by teachers for educational purposes in classroom activities. Such supplies and materials may include, for example, paper, pencils, workbooks, supplementary books and resources, laboratory supplies (such as photography materials, chemicals) paints, wood, glue, sandpaper, nails, tools, equipment, or automobile parts.
Supplies and Materials Purchased With Public Funds are District Property—
All teaching supplies and materials which are purchased with school, district, or public funds are the property of the District and must remain with the District for school use, and may not be taken or appropriated for personal use by teachers or other District staff. (Public funds may include, for example, funds directly appropriated by the legislature for teaching supplies and materials, as well as funds donated to the school or District for school use.)
Supplies and Materials Purchased With Personal Funds are Personal Property—
Teaching supplies and materials which are purchased by teachers or other staff with personal funds are personal property of the purchasing employee and may be retained by the employee when the employee discontinues employment with the District. However, any such personal property that the employee wishes to retain should be clearly marked as such when brought to the school, and documentation retained which evidences that personal funds were used to purchase the supplies or materials.