CRT Testing

As we move into April, I would like to discuss the upcoming assessments given to the students in Garfield School District.  The particular type of testing I am referring to is the CRT (Criterion-Referenced Tests) or commonly called, end of…


As the Legislative session ended last week you may have heard about a 1.16% increase in the WPU.  The WPUrepresents the Weighted Pupil Unit. The WPU is distributed to districts based on the student enrollment for that particular year; normally…


I would like to thank the many people who donate countless hours as volunteers in our schools listening to students read or taking time to help them with their homework.  The education of a student is a community effort; it…

Adult Education Diploma

At the beginning of the school year, I briefly discussed an upcoming Adult Education program in Garfield County School District.  The District’s Adult Education Director, Curtis Barney, applied and received additional funding from the State Office Education for adult learners…