BCB – Foundations and Basic Commitments: District Belief Statements

Approved April 2023

Foundations and Basic Commitments: 

District Belief Statements

We value…

  • A focus on learning,
  • A collaborative culture, and
  • Being results-oriented


  • Teachers will…
    • Teach a curriculum aligned with State requirements and that will best position
    • Students to succeed throughout their lives.
    • Teach skills that help students in life (character education):
      • Critical thinking
      • Behavioral skills
      • Social and emotional skills,
      • Digital citizenship, and
      • Resiliency
    • Coordinate their efforts to ensure that each student is on grade level.

  • School Administrators will…
    • Ensure that the environment is supportive of learning:
      • Clean, well-maintained buildings,
      • Physical safety,
      • Emergency planning,
      • Mental health supports
    • Ensure that effective, researched-based best practices are used to teach students.

  • District Administrators will…
    • Support schools through:
      • Efficient and timely purchasing,
      • Coordinated custodial and maintenance services,
      • Provide financial support and administration,
      • Provide supportive humand resource services
      • Provide other support services where needed.
    • Engage in long-term planning that will meet the facility, equipment, and
    • technology needs of schools for effective student learning.
    • Create and communicate policies and procedures for orderlyt and organized operations of the District.