GCSD Parent Survey

Garfield County School District has a parent survey available from April 1st through April 17th.   I would like to answer a few questions relating to the survey.

Q: Why are we offering the survey?  A: We are offering this survey to find out how parents feel about the schools, principals, and teachers in Garfield School District.

Q: What is the survey about?  A: This survey includes 30 items that ask for your opinion about your child’s school, principal, and teacher(s).

Q: What will happen with the results?  A: Results will be averaged together and reported for each school and teacher.  We will only make a report for a particular teacher if at least 10 parents answer questions about that teacher.

Q: Who will see the information?  A: No one will know how you respond to any of the questions.  Your responses will only be identified as coming from a parent of your child’s teacher.  Comments made in the comment boxes will go directly to the principal and District representatives.  Please be careful to not identify yourself when you make comments.

Q: What if you have more than one child in school?  A: After you respond about one teacher, you will be asked if you would like to respond about a second teacher etc.

Q: Do you have to take the survey?   A: You do not have to take the survey.  However, we encourage you to take the survey because information generated by this survey will be used to improve education in the GCSD.

You can access the survey link on the Garfield School District web page at: http://www.garfield.k12.ut.us/ or by finding us on Facebook at facebook.com/GarfieldSchools or on twitter @GarfieldSchools.  Please take a few minutes of your time to complete the survey.  We value your opinions and responses.

–Superintendent Ben Dalton

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