Panguitch Dam Break / Flood Evacuation Plan
The District will be notified by the local emergency management team led by the Garfield County Sheriff’s Office if the dam breaks or failure appears imminent.
The District will immediately notify the principals of each school to begin evacuation procedures. In conjunction with this notice, the District will send out a School Binder notification, a parent e-mail, a text message, and post on its Facebook account that evacuation has begun. Please allow notifications for one or more of these systems to be sure you’re notified quickly.
Panguitch Elementary Evacuation
Officials working on this event have estimated that even in the event of a full dam break, the water will likely take 2 hours to reach town. A full dam break is not expected at this time, if at all. This means that while the situation will be urgent, there’s no reason to panic. Remain calm and prepare to pick up your student at the school using the designated routes and pick up points:

- Notice that 100 South, the street in front of the elementary, becomes a one way street.
- Do not enter 100 South from 100 West. Also, do not enter 200 West from Center Street. – Both shown with “Do Not Enter” stickers.
- Proceed into the pickup lanes like you normally would for pickup. Staff and law enforcement will be there to direct traffic.
- The District will be coordinating pickup for 30 minutes before starting to load children on a bus.
- Any children still remaining after an hour from the notice will be bussed to the LDS church in Hatch, Utah. Children can only be picked up by their parent or another person designated by using the following form: Parent Release Form
- The form is also available at the school in paper form.
Panguitch High School / Middle School
Officials working on this event have estimated that even in the event of a full dam break, the water will likely take 2 hours to reach town. A full dam break is not expected at this time, if at all. This means that while the situation will be urgent, there’s no reason to panic. Remain calm and prepare to pick up your student at the school using the designated routes and pickup points:

- Notice that 100 South, the road leading up to and in front of the High School, becomes a one-way street.
- Please do not attempt to access 100 South using 400 East or 300 East, where the “Do Not Enter” stickers show.
- Enter 100 South from the 4-way stop where 200 East and 100 South intersect.
- The District will be coordinating pickup for 30 minutes before starting to load children on a bus.
- Any children still remaining after an hour from the notice will be bussed to the LDS church in Hatch, Utah.
- If your child drives their own vehicle and you’d like to allow them to leave immediately, please fill out the following form to release them if this event occurs, along with any siblings they may take with them: Parent Release Form
Additional Information
Please review this additional information from local officials: Local Officials Information Packet
If you have any additional questions please contact your school’s principal or the District Office at 435-676-8821.