Four and a Half Day Week

I would like to inform the public of recent decisions made by the Garfield Board of Education at the July 19, 2012 School Board meeting.  The first decision was to continue with a four and a half-day school week for 2012-2013 school year. This means students will start school at 8:00AM and dismiss at approximately 3:00PM Monday through Thursday.  On Friday, students will start at 8:00AM and dismiss at 12:30PM. We will publish the specific start and end times in the near future.   I would like to thank all of those who took the time to participate in the online survey related to this topic.  The second decision was to have teachers available to the parents one half-hour before school starts and one half- hour after school ends.  The District Office hours will remain the same; Monday through Friday 8:00AM5PM.  In an effort to inform the public, the District maintains a working board packet on the District web page.  If you would like to follow the development of the school board agendas and information, it is only a click away.  The school board meeting minutes and policies are also available for your review at this location. I would also like to extend an open invitation to anyone who might have questions about incorrect information printed in this paper relating to the school district in the FYI article last week or at any point in time.  Please contact me in the District Office at 435-676-8821, or email I will be more than happy to answer any questions.

–Superintendent Ben Dalton

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